Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986 - Index to Case Law
A substantial body of case law has arisen since The Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986 was enacted. That is not surprising when you consider the serious impediments to earning an income that a disqualification order can have on an individual. Some of those legal cases on directors disqualification are indexed on this page.
The fact that a company is insolvent when it goes into liquidation is not a ground for a disqualification order, there must be much much more.
Areas which the court will consider when deciding whether or not to make a disqualification order will include:
- Misfeasance or breach of duty
- Misapplication or retention of company money or property
- Transactions defrauding creditors
- Failure to comply with the Companies Acts
You may be interested in reading the following indexed and abridged case law summaries of cases concerning directors disqualification under The Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986 and the legal principles derived from those cases:
- Directors Disqualification Case Law - The Duty of fairness
Re: Hickling
- Directors Disqualification Case Law - Allegations must be clear (The clarity principle)
Re: Laing
- Directors Disqualification Case Law - Wrongful Trading
Re: Taylor
- Directors Disqualification Case Law - Reliance on professionals
Re: Douglas Construction
- Directors Disqualfication Case Law - Hindsight
Re: Living Images Ltd and
Re: C.U. Fittings - Incompetence or lack of probity
These are only some of the many cases on directors disqualification under the Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986 but they do highlight the key legal principles.
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